Wilton Public & Gregg Free Library

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Wilton Public & Gregg Free Library

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Get Your Library Card

If you live, work, own property, or go to school in Wilton, you qualify for a free library card. Others can purchase a card for $30 per year.  To get your card, go to the library catalog page and click on “Sign Up” at the top left corner. Fill out the form and submit it. We will contact you with your library card number.  Then come to the library with proof of residence such as a NH driver’s license or a utility bill with your name and address. Please call us at 654-2581 with any questions! You may begin to use your library card number immediately for our virtual library offerings.

Children under the age of 12 will need a parent or guardian to help them register for a library card.  Children can receive a card when they are six years old.

Get Your Library Card

If you live, work, own property, or go to school in Wilton, you qualify for a free library card. Others can purchase a card for $30 per year.  To get your card, go to the library catalog page and click on “Sign Up” at the top left corner. Fill out the form and submit it. We will contact you with your library card number.  Then come to the library with proof of residence such as a NH driver’s license or a utility bill with your name and address. Please call us at 654-2581 with any questions! You may begin to use your library card number immediately for our virtual library offerings.

Children under the age of 12 will need a parent or guardian to help them register for a library card.  Children can receive a card when they are six years old.